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A Transformation Through Teach For India’s Fellowship: Alpana Mallick’s Story

Education is more than just books and classrooms; it’s the foundation of a better future. In India, many children still don’t have access to quality education, which holds them back from achieving their full potential. A good education can open doors to opportunities, help people think critically, and build a more just and prosperous society. Investing in education isn’t just about helping individuals; it’s about shaping a stronger, more vibrant India for everyone.

Shaheen Mistri recognized this critical need and founded Teach For India (TFI) in 2008. She was inspired by a desire to tackle educational disparities on a larger scale. Drawing inspiration from Teach For America, Shaheen envisioned a movement of leaders committed to providing excellent education to all children in India.

TFI’s vision is clear: “One day all children will attain an excellent education.”

From the first cohort of Fellows in 2009 to now reaching 50 Million children through 1,000 Fellows and engaging over 5,000 Alumni, TFI has grown tremendously. The Fellowship program invites college graduates and professionals to commit 2 years to teaching in low-income schools. This experience not only addresses immediate educational needs but also cultivates future leaders dedicated to educational equity.

Alpana Mallick’s Journey: From Corporate to Classroom

Among the many inspiring stories from TFI, Alpana Mallick’s stands out. Now a Senior Director at TFI, Alpana’s journey began in 2011 when she transitioned from a corporate career to becoming a TFI Fellow.

Alpana Mallick in her classroomShe recalls, “My journey with TFI has been transformative, spanning over a decade. It all began in 2011 when I was working in the corporate world. Despite enjoying my job, I felt unfulfilled. A chance conversation with a college senior introduced me to TFI, igniting my passion for teaching.

She started her Fellowship teaching 64, 5th graders at Shree Geeta Vikas in Mumbai. She also taught in both private and government schools, gaining a deep understanding of the unique challenges and strengths of these environments. Her dedication led her to roles like Fellow Advisor, where she guided new Fellows and helped shape the program’s direction.

Reflecting on her experience, she says, “What started as a planned detour became a lifelong commitment. The Fellowship ignited a passion to serve children who need us the most.

Over the years, Alpana’s role at TFI has evolved. She has contributed significantly to developing literacy curricula, assessments, and training programs. As she moved into leadership positions, including heading the national training team, she played a crucial role in shaping the experiences of both Fellows and staff. Her work has left a lasting impact, influencing educational practices within TFI and beyond, including government policies and social impact initiatives.

Discussing the challenges in the Indian education sector, she emphasizes the importance of holistic learning, child safety, and leadership development. “The scale of educational inequity in India is staggering, and addressing it requires the power of collective action,” she notes. Through initiatives like the Student Vision Scale, TFI aims to ensure students’ holistic development, fostering skills that go beyond academics to include personal and social growth.

Alpana’s story underscores the importance of a supportive and challenging environment in nurturing leaders who can drive systemic change.

Alpana MallickThis journey has been one of personal and professional growth. From a corporate professional seeking fulfillment to a dedicated educator and leader, TFI has shaped my career and life perspective,” she shares.

Today, TFI continues to grow and impact communities far beyond the classroom. With initiatives like TFIx, InnovatED, Firki, and the Kids Education Revolution, TFI is building a movement that empowers children and educators alike.

The organization’s Alumni, now a powerful force in various sectors, continue to work towards the shared goal of educational equity. Approximately 77% of TFI alumni continue to work in the education sector, tackling different aspects of the challenge.

Over the past 12 years, TFI Fellows and alumni have started more than 165 organizations, ranging from Slam Out Loud and InquiLab to the Museum of Solutions. These organizations, working within and beyond education, highlight that it’s never too late to begin creating social impact and driving sustainable change.

As Alpana Mallick and others at Teach For India work tirelessly towards this mission, the vision of a future where every child receives an excellent education becomes increasingly real. This journey, fueled by dedication and a commitment to making a difference, is a powerful reminder of the impact education can have on individuals and society. Through collective efforts, TFI is not just changing lives—it is shaping the future of the nation.


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